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Press Releases



October 28, 2019


September 25, 2019


May 8, 2019


Press Contact

Marina Monsisvais

(915) 861-0446

Press Coverage




“Interactive Art Installation Lets Strangers Talk To Each Other Across The Border”, Mallory Falk, NPR, El Paso 22/11/2019. LINK


“In the Studio: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s Border Tuner”, Monica Ortiz Uribe, BBC, El Paso, 19/11/2019. LINK


“Interactive public art exhibit spotlights border voices”, Angela Kocherga, Albuquerque Journal, El Paso, 17/11/2019. LINK


“Solidarity as Walmart reopens after massacre”, ” Alfredo Corchado, The Lewiston Tribune, El Paso, 17/11/2019. LINK


“Walmart in El Paso – long a symbol of bonds between two nations – reopens in degiance of massacre that left 22 dead”, Alfredo Corchado, The Crescent-News, El Paso, 16/11/2019. LINK


“Border Tuner”, Good Morning El Paso Weekend on KVIA, El Paso, 16/11/2019. LINK


“Border Tuner”, ABC 7 News @ 10 on KVIA, El Paso, 15/11/2019. LINK


“Border Tuner”, ABC 7 @ 6 on KVIA, El Paso, 15/11/2019. LINK


“Border Tuner comes alive with sound, light”, Dave Acosta, El Paso Inc., El Paso, 15/11/2019. LINK


KFOX14 News at Nine (Special Edition) on KFOX, El Paso, 14/11/2019. LINK


“Cross-Border Art Exhibit Begins”, NewsChannel 9 Today on KTSM, El Paso, 14/11/2019. LINK


“Walmart in El Paso — long a symbol of bonds between two nations — reopens in defiance of massacre that left 22 dead”, Alfredo Corchado, The Dallas Morning News, El Paso, 14/11/2019. LINK


“Bowie High Hosting International ‘Border Tuner’ Art Installation” El Paso Herald-Post, El Paso, 14/11/2019. LINK


“Border Tuner will open communication between El Paso, Juarez residents via beams of lights”, Vic Kolenc, El Paso Times, El Paso, 14/11/2019. LINK


“Interactive Border Art Exhibit Opens Tonight”, Erik Elkin, ABC 7 News at 10 on KVIA, El Paso, 13/11/2019. LINK


“Cross-Border Art Exhibit Begins Tonight”, NewsChannel 9 at 10 on KTSM, El Paso, 13/11/2019. LINK


“Art Exhibit Shining Lights Across the Border”, Shelby Kapp, NewsChannel 9 Today on KTSM, El Paso, 13/11/2019. LINK


“How a Public Art Project in El Paso and Ciudad Juárez is Spurring Cross-Border Conversations”, Michael Agresta, Texas Monthly, El Paso, 13/11/2019. LINK


“Binational Interactive Art Installation ‘Border Tuner’ Activates Wednesday In El Paso, Juárez”, El Paso Herald-Post, El Paso, 12/11/2019. LINK


“Art Exhibit Shining Lights Across the Border”, Shelby Kapp, NewsChannel 9 at 6 on KTSM, El Paso, 12/11/2019. LINK


“Art Exhibit Shining Lights Across the Border”, Shelby Kapp, NewsChannel 9 at 5 on KTSM, El Paso, 12/11/2019. LINK


“Good Morning El Paso  Will Have A Story About The Border Tuner, An Art Installation Filling The Night Sky”, Good Morning El Paso on KVIA, El Paso, 12/11/2019. LINK


“Sister cities divided by a wall of metal, united by a bridge of light”, Sven Kline, The Prospector, El Paso, 12/11/2019. LINK


“Interactive Art Installation ‘Border Tuner’ Comes To El Paso & Juarez” Fusion, El Paso, 15/11/2019. LINK


“Cross-Border Art Show”, Jessica Nevarez, NewsChannel 9 at Noon on KTSM, El Paso, 11/11/2019. LINK


“’Border Tuner’ art installation sheds light on intrinsic bond between Juarez and El Paso”, Andra Litton, Border Report, El Paso, 11/11/2019. LINK


“State of The Arts- Border Tuner”, Marina Monsisvais, KTEP, El Paso, 2/11/2019. LINK


“Art and technology intersect at El Paso CODAworx event”, Jared Carver, Borderzine, El Paso,
29/10/2019. LINK

“Border Tuner to create bridges of light across El Paso-Juarez sky so residents of both sides can listen to each other”, Amanda Pracht, Borderzine, El Paso 24/10/2019. LINK

“Border Tuner launches website, program of daily activations”, Staff Report, El Paso Herald-Post, El Paso,  28/10/2019. LINK

“Rafael Lozano-Hemmer Is a Crowd Pleaser. He’s Also Obsessed With Death”, Ted Loos, The New York Times, New York, 26/10/2018. LINK

“Art installation will open communication between El Paso, Juarez residents via beams of light”, Vic Kolenc, El Paso Times, El Paso, 18/10/2019. LINK

“Cross-border art show”, NewsChannel 9 at 6 on KTSM (NBC), El Paso, 09/10/2019. LINK
“Border Art Installation”, KFOX News at Nine on KFOX (FOX), El Paso, 04/10/2019. LINK

“UTEP, El Paso, Juárez Among Finalists for Cross-Border Art Project Funding”, Staff Report, El Paso Herald Post, El Paso, 18/08/2018. LINK

“Rafael Lozano-Hemmer ‘Border Tuner’”, Bruce Sterling, Wired, New York, 26/05/2019. LINK

“Border Tuner: interactive light, sound art installation”, Dave Acosta, El Paso Inc., El Paso, 17/05/2019. LINK

“Artist will create "bridge of light" over U.S.-Mexico border”, Robert Holguin, KFOXTV 14, El Paso, 16/05/2019. LINK

“Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s ‘Border Tuner’ to Debut November 2019”, Staff, Glasstire, Texas, 13/05/2019. LINK



“El proyecto 'Border Tuner' intenta cruzar fronteras y estrechar los lazos entre dos ciudades: El Paso y Juárez”, Edición Noticias Telemundo, Telemundo, Los Angeles, 23/11/2019. LINK


“Espectáculo de luz y sonido en la frontera” Hoy El Periódico Joven, Juárez, 13/11/2019. LINK


“Invitan a ser parte de Sintonizador Fronterizo, Proyecto binacional de arte y tecnología”,, Juárez, 13/11/2019. LINK


“Se ilumina cielo fronterizo de luces”, Salvador Castro, El Diario, Juárez, 11/11/2019. LINK


“Fronterizos ‘sintonizarán sus voces’ a través de proyectores de luz” Jorge Félix,, Juárez, 11/11/2019. LINK


“Arte en sincronía, en ambos lados del muro fronterizo”, Sonia Sierra, El Universal, México, 16/10/2019. LINK

“Lozano-Hemmer, un artista ubicuo”, Lourdes Zambrano, Reforma, Ciudad de México, 06/10/2019. LINK

“El arte de la interacción”, EL HERALDO
, Melissa Moreno, Heraldo de México, Ciudad de México, 27/08/2019. LINK

“Proyecto de arte conectará a Juárez con El Paso”, Telemundo 48, El Paso, 16/05/2019. LINK

“Puente de Luz y Voz Sobre la Frontera”, Redacción, Muy Juarense, Ciudad Juárez, 15/05/2019. LINK  


Other Languages


"Parlare dal Messico agli Usa: l'incredibile installazione che 'abbatte' il confine", Federico Pallone, Repubblica, Italy, 20/11/2019. LINK


"Des artistes montréalais s'emparent de la frontière entre les États-Unis et le Mexique", Thomas Gerbet, Radio-Canada, Canada, 2/11/2019. LINK


"Border Tuner, une exposition interactive à cheval sur la frontière américano-mexicaine", Michel Désautels, Radio-Canada, Canada, 3/11/2019. LINK



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© Rafael Lozano-Hemmer 2019. Organized by the Rubin Center at UTEP, El Paso Community Foundation and Fundación Comunitaria de la Frontera Norte. Supported by the Mellon Foundation, Arte Abierto, Bloomberg Philanthropies, VIA Art Fund and Novamex. View site disclaimer.

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